Reviewer: Jarrett Stock from Kite Thrills
Location: Maroochy River Mouth
Conditions: NNE 20-25 knots, sideshore winds, 3 foot swell
Kite: 7m Enduro
Rider: 85kg with 6’0 surfboard

Paulino Pereira / pic Jamie Scott
Upon first look of the Ozone Enduro V1, I noticed that the kite was very easy to set up. One way inflate/deflate valve, pulleyless bridle lines and easy 3-knot adjustable outside lines. The bridle seemed shorter, which most companies seem to be preferring as it adds stability, quicker response through the bar and fast turning. As I was going out through the waves, my first thought was it might be hard to get out on a 7m. However, the Enduro had considerable low end power when the bar was pulled in. Once out the back, I was able to cut upwind easily and get to the wave location that I preferred. This was due to the smaller leading edge that the Enduro possessed.
On the wave, the kite was very responsive on the bottom turn. The Enduro set well back in the window and didn’t back stall on the bottom turn with the bar fully in. The Enduro then drifted to the top turn quite well. As soon as you knew it, I was heading right back down the wave ready for the next turn.

Paulino Pereira / pic Jamie Scott
Since I was riding strapless, it was important to have power when I needed it most and also equally important to be able to drop the power and ride the wave seamlessly. The Enduro did this well with great down-the-line drifting ability. The conditions on the day were quite gusty and the Enduro was very stable through the gusts. I really wasn’t able to find any faults with this kite. The Enduro was fast, responsive, quick and powerful. Considering the fact that Ozone market the Enduro as their all round kite for freeride, freestyle and wave, the kite was surprisingly efficient in the waves.

Billy Hampton / pic Jamie Scott
The Ozone bar was very simple, clean and effective. The floats are moulded into the bar, which prevents deterioration of the side connector ropes. The above-the-bar depower was very easy to adjust and change throughout the session. With an elongated bungee rope, it was easy to adjust the bar to sit closer to the body. The grip of the bar was super soft and comfortable to the hands.

WAVES OR FREESTYLE, The Ozone Enduro is another hefty contender in the ‘freeride’ arena. Paulino Pereira / pic Jamie Scott
Overall I found the Ozone Enduro very user friendly and easy to operate. From a wave riding perspective I found the kite very good in many different aspects of how you would ride a wave efficiently. Great upwind, side wide and down-the-line response. Loved the kite and would definitely recommend adding one to your kite quiver.

Jarrett Stock from Kite Thrills