No more chicken loop? Introducing Cabrinhas Fireball!

Keahi Showing the new fireball and spreader bar

Keahi showing the new fireball and spreader bar.


Editor Ollie J had the pleasure of checking out some new kit last week at the Cabrinha dealer meeting in Sunny Cabarita Qld. (Yes Cabrinha in Cabarita…lol)

World champ Keahi was there to showcase this exciting new bar system!

“This new system has done away with the chicken loop attachment and replaced it with a very streamlined and simple but solid ball (the fireball) that securely locks into a new type of spreader bar (the hook faces up instead of down!).

The idea is there’s way more maneuverability and flex in the attachment joint, but less upward pull on your harness (more comfy), and no chance of foul hooking or it coming unhooked by accident.” Ollie J


Ollie asked Keahi how it handles for Surf style and if you need a sliding / swinging spreader bar and his reply was “I haven’t tried it with a sliding spreader bar setup yet but using it as is there was so much more swing and maneuverability than a standard chicken loop with very little twist or pull on your harness, it’s pretty sick”


Here are the official words on the fantastic new product from Cabrinha:

Fireball is the first kite connection system purpose built for kitesurfing from the ground up. Its unique design harnesses the specific forces and movements of kiteboarding, and combines them with ergonomic form factors to create a kite connection which seamlessly translates your body movements into an immediate kite reaction. It instantly upgrades any kite and harness delivering more control, security, and comfort than ever before.

The ball and socket interface is a semi-circular fitting that brings the pivot point of the connection closer to your core. This keeps the spreader bar from rotating into your body when the pull of the kite comes fro m overhead. The socket is much closer than a traditional hook, thus reducing the rotational torque into your body by up to 50%.


The rotational axis also allows freedom for the kite to follow its natural path in the sky independent of your body position. The friction-free connection maintains a fluid and secure mobility, making your harness feel more comfortable. With the Fireball system you can easily connect from any angle and will never be able to foul-hook.


One of the most unique things about Fireball is its locking gate. The locking gate is positioned on the spreader bar so it can be locked and unlocked on the fly. The secure gate design automatically seats itself into position and provides a friction free method to keep Fireball engaged into the socket.

From the first time you lay your eyes on Fireball you see that this is something entirely different. This sleek new approach to one of the most important points in kitesurfing, the point where the power of the kite meets the power of your body, closes the loop (pun intended) on our efforts to maintain control over the most important elements of a kite control system.

In 2017 we will offer two connection method options. The all new, purpose built Fireball, and the traditional hook and loop Quickloop. Each is built for specific functions, the utmost being whether you ride hooked in or predominantly unhooked.

In stores August 2016!


Fireball Connection System from Cabrinha Kites on Vimeo.