Charlie Wise impressed not only the judges but also the photographers at Lancelin Classic earlier this year, scoring our back cover for issue 07.
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Charlie scored the backcover of issue 07 with this shot
We are looking forward to seeing him rip later this year in the exciting newly re-invigorated Wave Nationals at Merimbula this November.
How will he go? With the fluent and flared style pictured here we think very well!
Ozone junior team rider Charlie Wise was a stand out at the recent Lancelin Classic. And in this shot and the back cover shot you can see why – kiting that looks (and feels) like surfing. It’s cool to see the young guys coming up in this discipline with so much flair, and a solid style that doesn’t resemble windsurfing… This is surfing with the extension of a kite. That’s what we are all aiming at right?
You wouldn’t think it but the day before this shot and coming second in the juniors, Charlie badly damaged his ankle warming up. We asked him what happened and how he overcame his injury to still do so well.
“I arrived in Lancelin a couple days before the start of the comp after making the four-and-a-half-hour drive from our family home in Yallingup. I had spent the previous six weeks kiting 4-8 foot Yallingup main break, with winds regularly above 20 knots in the arvos. I was super excited to compete in both the surf and marathon events in Lancelin. However, the day before the comp I was practising at back beach when I landed heavily on the sand bar, tweaking my foot after bailing out of an air. I immediately jumped to conclusions and thought my foot was broken, as it was extremely puffy and I couldn’t apply any pressure to it. I was sure that this was going to stop me from competing. I was seriously bummed out, but with the help of the local medical centre, lots of ice and some anti-inflammatory cream, I was able to compete, despite being in a lot of pain. The LOC was a super fun and well-organised event. I’ll definitely be heading back there next year. I was stoked to come second in both the junior surfing and racing events.”